Monday, January 25

Grey herons

Dear all,

Winter is a tough season for birds. Frost makes it necessary to burn extra calories to keep warm and snow makes it hard to obtain water and food, the first necessaries of life. Grey herons are birds that I personally associate with winter. Honestly, I don't know why. Is it their colours that fit perfectly with the grey and white tones of winter? Is it their effective way to survive the harsh conditions? Is it their typical posture that communicates resignation? Nevertheless, 2010 started with an abundant winter and the grey herons were one of my favorite photographic motives during the last weeks. Some of them are usually present in the old fishing harbour of Elburg. The authentic fishing boats of Elburg, called botters, and a frozen snow-covered harbour form a nice decor. It is there where I observed the incredible fishing efficiency of grey herons. They stand motionless next to a hole in the ice (they only need a small hole of about 10-20 cm!). Suddenly they observe a fish near the surface, slowly and determined they move towards their prey, and then ............... within a split second ............. a sudden attack with their dagger-like bill. About fifty (!!!) percent of those attacks are succesfull. I saw one individual catch about 5 small fish within a quarter of an hour. It will not die of starvation. Please enjoy the pictures of these wonderful animals!

Cheers, Dirk-Jan

Wednesday, January 6

Happy 2010 !!!

Dear all,
First of all let me wish you a healthy, lovely, and happy 2010! My 2010 couldn't have started better photographically. Winter has taken our country in a tight grip. We haven't had this amount of snow since years and the weather forecast predicts subzero temperatures for the next week or two. Snow is one of my favourite weather conditions, but it usually remains present only for a few days in the Netherlands. I'm always getting a restless feeling when snow starts to fall. The camera simply needs to be taken outside. Take for example last saturday evening. We got about 15 centimeter of snow in about 2 hours. After a restless night I got awake at 4 o'clock and couldn't get asleep anymore. Too much plans in my head and time is limited as we only have about 8 hours of daylight at the moment! Please enjoy the winter pictures of last weekend. We had a lot of fun!

More to come. The weekend is near!
