Sunday, June 20

Eurasian stonechat (female)

A female Eurasian stonechat is a nice sighting as well, despite her more pale plumage compared to her male. Male and female are often searching for food together. Their first breed was successfull. Perhaps, they are caring for their second breed? Let's wait and see!

Wednesday, June 16

European stonechat (male)

Dear friends,
The project with the pair of European stonechat is rewarding. Three evenings were spend in the hide with overcast conditions. Cloudy weather is necessary to render details in their contrast-rich plumage. The birds gave excellent photo opportunities. They are flying their usual rounds in the field from post to post. Every 30-60 minutes they spend a few minutes in front of the hide. Herewith some results of the male bird. Photos of the female will be posted coming weekend.

Hope you enjoy them,

Wednesday, June 9

Project photography

Dear all,

Since two weeks I'm working on a project with European stonechats. This beautiful bird species was on my wish list for some time. Especially the male with it's black, white, and orange tones are quite photogenic. Two weeks ago I found a pair of them in a nature reserve near my hometown. It took some time to get them customed to that strange guy with his small hide and photo equipment, but at the moment they are cooperative. Next step was to compose the set-ups that were in my head. One of them was the stonechat male on a meadow pole with flowering cow parsley in the background. Last week I took the picture that was in my head with the right light conditions. Hopefully they will stay in the area for some weeks as the creative process never stops!

See you,

Tuesday, June 1

Under mother's wings

A well-known imagery for safety and security are the wings of a mother bird. Her wings provide warmth and a shelter for her vulnerable young. Similar symbols are frequently used in the Bible as God provides warmth, love, and safety for His children. I remembered these verses when I was observing an avocet family. We spend our Pentecost weekend on Texel. It was more a weekend for relaxing, not too much time for photography. Nevertheless, I remembered this important lesson in just a small hour along the waterside.
