Saturday, February 27

Photography on Vlieland

Vlieland is one of the smallest Wadden islands of the Netherlands. The island is free of cars and the tourists visiting this Wadden island are usually searching for quietness and nature experience. Last weekend we visited the island together with Sandra's sister and her family. Last winter on Texel (see blog December 2008), we made plans with them for a Wadden island hopping tour in the coming years. Isn't this nice? 'TVTAS' (Texel, Vlieland, Terschelling, Ameland, Schiermonnikoog) is the right order of the Dutch Wadden islands, so this year Vlieland was on our list. The weather conditions may change rapidly on the Wadden. In 3 days we had rain, snow, fierce wind, fog, clouds, and sun. Fast changing weather provide excellent photographic conditions! 'Bad weather is good weather' according to one of the chapters in John Shaw's book on landscape photography. At some occassions I 'simply' had to go outside and leave our comfortable residence, leaving some questioning faces behind. Their faces were even more surprised when I returned an hour or two later, wet like a drowned cat, but smiling.

Hope you enjoy the pictures,