Tuesday, April 27

Spring flowers

There's a saying in Holland 'Bloemen houden van mensen', meaning 'Flowers love human beings'. I'm not a typical macro photographer, but last weekend I got the change to join an excursion to a nature reserve for a highly vulnerable plant species, snake's head frittilary. About 80% of the Dutch population can be found in the wet grasslands on the outer banks of IJssel and Vecht, around the small town of Hasselt. This plant belongs to the lely family and gives beautiful purple or white flowers in the last weeks of April. Our guide learned us some interesting facts. Did you know that it takes about 7 years to reach their flowering state? It was quite confronting to see their need for extensive agriculture on the grasslands surrounding the nature reserve. No flowers at all! Manuring and early mowing of the wet grasslands have a devastating effect on them. It's a good thing that this vulnerable species is nowadays protected. We celebrated an ultimate spring morning with beautiful weather.
